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Christian Kingue Epanya runs workshops,a variety of which are destined to primary,secondary school, college students as well as adults.

The workshop preparations are dependent upon the pedagogical project  but also time limitation.

  •  For a Short Session( 45mn to one hour) :
    It’s generally the presentation of the author and illustrator’s trade that consist of an illustrated book with its original illustrations and then talk about its creation: from the story writing to the final artwork,to the publication.
  • For a longer session ( 90mn and more) :
    Many ways are possible :
    The writing of a fiction story that can be illustrated in part or in total by the attendees.
    The artwork can also be based on one of the author’s fiction story…or a different end of the story can be created and illustrated by the participants.

  • I teach to the participants how to create characters,to illustrate stories written by youngsters or adults,to discover or test different illustration techniques such as watercolour,acrylics,gouache(tempera)and pastel colours. I also introduce the techniques of page setting in my workshops.

    As regards to my payment,my fees are those of the Charte (the French Illustrators Guild ) which I am a member :
    tarifs de la Charte des Illustrateurs.
    Travel and accommodation expenses are in addition to the interventions fees.
    I also rent exhibitions of children books original illustrations and paintings (painting technique: acrylics).The rental duration vary from one day to several months.Exhibitions can be rented framed or without frames.Insurance rates depend upon the size of the canvas or paintings.Don't hesitate to contact me for more informations.